The shameful attacks on Pro-Life Representative Molly White by Texas “leadership” February 1, 2016 John Seago 1 NewsPro-Life Heroes By John Seago For the last three Primary Elections, principled, passionate, and proven Pro-Life heroes...
Dishonorable mention: Planned Parenthood praises "Republican" state representative, J.D. Sheffield January 27, 2016 Sarah Crawford Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To Recall in 2015 when a Texas “Republican” stood on the floor of the Texas House...
Debbie Riddle’s HB 416 was a dangerous sham January 26, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsTexas Right To Despite landing herself a spot on Texas Right to Life’s Dishonorable Mentions List, current State...
Texas Right to Life PAC backs Dan Morenoff in HD 114 race January 26, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off 2016 EndorsementsNewsPro-Life HeroesTexas Right To Texas Right to Life’s Political Action Committee is excited to announce the support and endorsement...
Harris County ignores Planned Parenthood’s actions, indicts Pro-Life journalists January 26, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsTexas Right To Houston, Texas – January 26, 2016: Yesterday, Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced that Harris...
Is voting Pro-Life really necessary? January 25, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsTexas Right To Every election cycle, interest groups across the spectrum make recommendations about which candidates they believe...
Raney among rogue Republicans who voted to fund embryo-destroying research January 13, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To The Pro-Life movement recognizes that all innocent human Life, from the moment of fertilization until...
What happened to Debbie Riddle and Byron Cook: A look into the Dishonorable Mentions List (Part 1) January 11, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To In addition to releasing the Pro-Life Scorecard, Texas Right to Life has also made public...
Houston’s anti-Life "Republican" Sarah Davis January 9, 2016 Texas Right To Life Off NewsPro-Life Fraud AlertTexas Right To In a state in which the majority of citizens believe in the sanctity of Life,...