A Pro-Life champion versus an abortion advocate

After defeating his primary challenger, State Representative Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler) faces another challenge from the Left before returning to Austin to continue advocating for the preborn next session.  Representative Schaefer’s opponent in the General Election is Neal Katz, a Jewish Rabbi with extensive ties to the abortion industry.  Given Representative Schaefer’s bold commitment to the Pro-Life cause, Katz’s challenge from the pro-abortion viewpoint is predictable.  Pro-Life Texans in House District 6 have a stark choice before them this November.

Throughout his time in office, Representative Schaefer has championed the Pro-Life cause wherever and whenever he can.  In addition to serving as Chairman of the conservative Texas Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives, he was the author of the 2017 Preborn Non-Discrimination Act, the top priority for the Pro-Life movement in the upcoming session of the Texas State Legislature.  This bill will eliminate a discriminatory loophole which permits abortions after 20 weeks on preborn children expected to have a disability.  The bill will also prohibit discriminatory abortions at any point in pregnancy based on the race, sex, or suspected disability of the preborn child.  Furthermore, the bill will ensure women and families have information on life-affirming medical and social services, such as Perinatal Palliative Care when her child is facing a possible life-threatening disability.  Representative Schaefer’s leadership on this bill specifically, and on the House floor in general, differentiates him as an unwavering and ardent defender of Life in the Texas Legislature.

On the other hand, Katz’s “independent” identification on the ballot should not disguise his pro-abortion beliefs.  Katz is a board member of the liberal Texas Freedom Network (TFN), a radical leftist organization whose sole purpose is to fight conservative policies in Texas in violation of some of the most deeply held beliefs of the majority of Texans.  Former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards established TFN in the mid-1990s.  Since TFN’s beginnings, the group has been a devoted adherent to the pro-abortion cause, all in the name of “religious freedom.”  TFN’s website states one of the group’s many goals is to “ensure women have access to abortion.”  Katz is proud to be one of TFN’s board members and lists his role on the board as an area of service.

Along with TFN’s fervent support of abortion, they appear to have an infatuation with Planned Parenthood.  TFN asserts that desiring to defund the abortion giant is an “extremist” position.  They even claim Pro-Life activists want women to die just so they don’t go to Planned Parenthood.  This ridiculous and alarming rhetoric is dangerous and on the absolute fringe of society.  Katz, however, is proud to “serve” such a hateful organization.

Perhaps worst of all, though, TFN tweeted in passionate support of an abortion facility “blessing” by religious leaders in the state.  Among the offenders was TFN’s faith coordinator. Rather than condemn this sacrilege practice, TFN spoke in admiration. Yet, this outrageous stunt doesn’t deter Katz’ promotion and membership of TFN.

Contrasted with Katz’s “service” of condemning preborn children to premature deaths, Representative Schaefer has a long history of supporting the Right to Life of the most vulnerable members of the human race.  While Katz signed a letter in support of painful abortions after five months of pregnancy, Representative Schaefer fought to spare preborn children from painful deaths.  While Katz is aligning with the ex-president of the largest abortion provider in the world, Representative Schaefer is aligning with his Pro-Life constituents to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  While Katz is a board member of an organization that advocates for abortion, Representative Schaefer is one of the most dedicated Pro-Life members of the Texas Legislature.  The contrast is striking, and Pro-Life voters in House District 6 must send a strong message in November by re-electing Representative Matt Schaefer to the Texas House.

Texas Right to Life PAC proudly endorses Representative Matt Schaefer for re-election as State Representative for House District 6.

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