Thank Susan G. Komen on behalf of women

Susan G. Komen heard you:  Komen has severed ties with Planned Parenthood.  The Pink Ribbon Scandal petition last year, launched by Texas Right to Life, made an impact in protecting lives.  Now Komen needs to hear from you again.  Send an email now to Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation to thank and encourage its decision to stop funding Planned Parenthood.  The Komen Foundation is a global charity dedicated to stopping breast cancer through biomedical science.


Susan G. Komen for the Cure officials announced that Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion chain, is no longer eligible to receive funds from Komen for community health initiatives.  In doing so, Komen gained a host of new enemies on Tuesday.  


Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards, tipped off the media to Komen’s withdrawal, rallying her pro-abortion allies to decry Komen.  Criticism from abortion-sympathetic media has been relentless and mean-spirited, accusing Komen of hurting women and succumbing to pressure from the political right.  However, Komen is to be commended for its divorce from the abortion giant, especially since induced abortion can cause an increased risk of developing breast cancer.


Susan G. Komen adopted new grant guidelines to disqualify organizations that are under investigation and to prioritize organizations that utilize an outcome-specific model for services to women.  Not only is Planned Parenthood currently under congressional investigation for alleged misuse of federal funds, but also for harboring the sexual predators of minors.  Additionally, Planned Parenthood does not — and never did — offer mammograms.  Komen is right to redirect its members' funds to legitimate organizations that engage in breast cancer research and to withhold support from controversial, law-breaking agencies.   


For the 2012 grant cycle, Komen is contractually obligated to fulfill five grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates across the country.  These grants will not be renewed for 2013, according to the new grant guidelines.


Email Susan G. Komen for the Cure today at

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