Texas Right to Life comments on Romney-Ryan ticket
No way. No how. Not ever.
Those are Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richard’s exact words after Mitt Romney announced Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate for the upcoming presidential election.
In the Ryan selection, Mitt Romney raised the stakes, and Planned Parenthood is scared of the ever-growing prospect of losing Abortioneer-in-Chief, President Obama, in November. Congressman Paul Ryan knows all about Planned Parenthood, and he has already committed to taking their tax dollars away and to protecting Life.
Congressman Paul Ryan is proudly, unapologetically Pro-Life. He has voted for the federal bills to defund Planned Parenthood. He recognizes the lethal provisions lurking in Obamacare. He doesn’t believe that employers should be forced to pay for abortion-inducing contraceptives for their employees. And he believes in the worth and humanity of the unborn, no matter the circumstances of their conception.
In the abortion industry’s twisted thinking, all of this means that he’s “wrong for women,” as Richards said this weekend on CNN. But as a woman myself, I believe that women are stronger, smarter, and more resilient than Planned Parenthood makes them out to be. Abortion hurts women and is always the wrong choice.
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are the best choice for women and for America. America deserves leaders who will protect the born and unborn, and who will protect the conscience of taxpayers by redirecting health care dollars from Planned Parenthood to programs and agencies that help and empower women and their children.
Tags: barack obama, elections, mitt romney, planned parenthood