Texas Komen affiliates increase support of Planned Parenthood
Although the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation was publicly thrashed by Planned Parenthood eight months ago, its support of the largest committer of abortions has only increased in Texas.
For two whole days in February, Komen stood on principle and cut funding to Planned Parenthood, America’s leading abortion committer, and other organizations that didn’t meet its new, stricter funding guidelines. But Komen quickly refunded the money after Planned Parenthood exerted heavy political pressure.
Komen’s president at the time, Liza Thompson, bluntly called the funding Planned Parenthood and similar organizations received “crappy grants” because they are only capable of receiving “pass-through” grants that don’t directly provide mammograms to low-income women. Planned Parenthood has never performed mammograms. Komen’s plan was to phase out these weak grants as part of its new funding priorities.
Although the following grants were likely promised to Planned Parenthood before the February dust-up, Planned Parenthood in Texas is enjoying more financial support from Komen this year than last year. This year local Komen affiliates have granted Planned Parenthood a total of $184,870.49 — roughly $48,000 more than last year.
Austin: $44,497.59 granted to Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region for breast exams and mammogram referrals.
Central Texas: $48,697 granted to Planned Parenthood of Waco/Central Texas for mammogram referrals.
Dallas County: a whopping $91,676.00 granted to Planned Parenthood of North Texas for mammogram referrals.
These are all the kind of “crappy pass-through” grants Komen tried to do away with before it was blindsided by political controversy.
Fortunately, there are clean breast cancer charities that do not support Planned Parenthood or embryo-destroying breast cancer research. (Komen did not — and does not — support embryonic stem cell research.)
Instead of Komen, honor breast cancer victims and survivors by supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer.
Tags: culture, planned parenthood