San Antonio appoints Planned Parenthood-affiliated abortionist as city Medical Director

The San Antonio City Council has been under fire from locals ever since Planned Parenthood began receiving special treatment from the city, which has held the abortion giant above the law as they established a new abortion venture in the Dreamhill Estates area.  The saga began when the community discovered that the city was allowing Planned Parenthood to build a mega abortion mill on Babcock Rd., in a residentially zoned neighborhood where the abortion behemoth’s construction was clearly in violation of the law.

The City Council virtually ignored the appeals of concerned citizens and legal experts who drew their attention to the illicit building project.  At one point, the assistant district attorney even asked for Planned Parenthood’s permission before signing a restraining order that temporarily blocked the group from completing construction.  The city has taken no pains to hide their cozy relationship with Planned Parenthood, even in the wake of damning video evidence that the business has been engaged in shady fetal body parts trafficking in Texas for years.

In an audacious move that flies in the face of concern shown by San Antonio residents, the City Council unanimously confirmed the appointment of abortionist Chichi Junda Woo as the Medical Director of the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (SAMHD).  In addition to being an abortionist, Woo has a decades-long history of abortion activism that spans her career and a longstanding relationship with Planned Parenthood.  Empower Texans reports:

On August 6th, city council unanimously approved the appointment of Dr. Chichi Junda Woo, OB/GYN, to the position of Medical Director for the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (SAMHD).  As Medical Director, her responsibilities will include partially overseeing SAMHD’s $42 million annual budget, managing almost 1700 employees, and working with the Health Director on health code enforcement, health education, disease control and promoting healthy behaviors as the local health authority in the area.

Woo is listed on multiple websites as having been affiliated with multiple Planned Parenthood facilities and is a self-described abortionist.  Woo’s appointment is particularly concerning in light of the current controversy surrounding the new Planned Parenthood facility at 2104 Babcock in San Antonio.

Concerned citizens may contact Mayor Ivy Taylor at (210) 207-2280, or by email at to express concerns over the inappropriate relationship between Planned Parenthood and the City of San Antonio.

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