Listen: Governor Perry blasts RINOs subverting key Pro-Life races

During a conference call with Texas Right to Life PAC and over 3,000 Texans Tuesday night, Governor Perry urged voters to choose proven Pro-Life leaders over liberal-funded RINOs who have been strategically placed in key races to take down Texas' strongest Pro-Life incumbents.  Governor Perry praised Texas Right to Life PAC for asking the hard questions eye to eye of the candidates running. 

“Particularly with our Pro-Life candidates, we’re seeing the liberals challenge us in the primary elections since know they can’t beat us in a general election," said Governor Perry. 

"These liberal groups — generally funded by labor unions, trial lawyers, very left-leaning organizations — are funding these candidates who are not going to be Republican at all,” said Perry. 

Governor Perry highlighted Rep. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock), Rep. Randy Weber (R-Pearland), who is running for US Congress, and Rep. Sid Miller (R-Stephenville) as three strong Pro-Life officials who are being targeted by these liberal shadow groups. 

Representative Charles Perry, who has been endorsed by both Governor Perry and Texas Right to Life PAC, faces former incumbent, Delwin Jones, for HD 83, Jones’ old stomping grounds.  Jones never voted Pro-Life and was considered a do-nothing incumbent who was out-of-touch with his Lubbock constituents.  Charles Perry beat him in the 2010 primary election. 

Representative Randy Weber, described by Governor Perry as a “great conservative,” is in a race with many untested newcomers to Republican politics.   

But Governor Perry noted that Representative Sid Miller, carrier of the landmark Pre-Abortion Sonogram Law, is facing the toughest opposition. “Sid is really being attacked by the left forces,” said Perry, pointing out that Sid is in a hotly contested race with two RINOs who are on record as changing views on abortion.    

“Sid has been a real stand-up fiscal conservative and Pro-Life incumbent, and we cannot take a chance to let the Left win,” said Perry. 

Governor Perry also praised Representative James White (R-Woodville) and Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, two candidates who are also endorsed by Texas Right to Life PAC. White is in a contested race to represent several East Texas counties, while Dewhurst is in the middle of an aggressive and highly visible United States Senate race against four other candidates. 


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