Abortion chain to open facility in New Mexico to skirt Texas abortion restrictions

Big Abortion has proven once again that its main concern is the bottom line.  Amidst lamentation over so-called “lack of access to abortion care” in Texas, rather than provide that access by building law-compliant abortion mills, Whole Woman’s Health is skipping town to set up shop in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Texas’ Pro-Life law, HB 2, hurts abortion businesses by holding them to a standard of care for women that happens to cost them more money and effort than they have historically been willing to shell out on behalf of women.  With its requirement that abortion mills meet ambulatory surgical center standards, HB 2 brings abortion mills up to par with other surgical facilities across the state, insisting that pregnant mothers cannot be treated differently – and taken advantage of – simply because they are in crisis.  And that is exactly what happens when abortion businesses build sub-standard facilities that do not meet the basic surgical center amenities that can be found elsewhere.

Ironically, given the name, Whole Woman’s Health is bent on preserving its bottom line rather than protecting women’s health in Texas.  Rather than comply with the pro-woman provisions of HB 2, Whole Woman’s Health is on the move out-of-state to skirt these financially burdensome requirements.  With an abortion mill in Las Cruces, Whole Woman’s Health will be able to continue to financially profit off desperate pregnant mothers from El Paso without being required to service those Texas women in the way that Texas law currently requires.

Even women facing tragic miscarriage experiences who need to receive a D&C experience a higher standard of care in hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers than what Whole Woman’s Health sees fit to proffer to mothers who come to them in crisis. Whole Woman’s Health is so in love with its bottom line that it will leave Texas to avoid being forced to put women’s health higher on its priority list.  But really, should we expect more from a business that turns a handsome profit from suctioning, crushing, and dismembering the precious preborn babies of Texas mothers? 


Photo via National Right to Life news

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